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Why The Kitchen Sink Drain Clogs 

Why The Kitchen Sink Drain Clogs 

Kitchen sink drain clogs are one of the most common and most frustrating plumbing problems. Without a functional kitchen sink, it is virtually...

Reasons For a Slow Draining Sink 

Reasons For a Slow Draining Sink 

Any plumbing issue is annoying, but a slow draining sink can be particularly frustrating. Sinks that drain slowly are not completely clogged—slow...

Top Plumbing Tips 

Top Plumbing Tips 

Plumbing is something that most people take for granted in today’s advanced society. It is very rare for any home or apartment building in the...

Top Toilet Shut-Off Valve Types

Top Toilet Shut-Off Valve Types

A toilet shut-off valve is the part of the toilet that controls the flow of water into the toilet. There are many situations in which understanding...