If you live in a house with a backyard, you’ve likely experienced some type of flooding in your yard during the rainy season of wintertime. Not only does a flooded backyard cause minor inconveniences like muddy pets and majorly messed-up outdoor landscaping efforts, but it can also have much more serious consequences—including damaging the foundation of your house and even flooding the inside of your home. Backyards are much more likely to flood during the winter than they are during the summertime due to increases in rainy weather, storms, and even hail that happens throughout the winter. If you want to avoid flooded backyards this winter, keep reading to learn 5 tips on how to prevent your backyard from flooding during the winter and at any time of the year.

1. Level it Out

If your backyard features areas in which the ground is sloped at a downward angle toward your house, your backyard and home are much more likely to flood because rainwater runoff is more likely to rush down the slope and seep into the foundation of your home.

Level out any slopes in your backyard

Level out any slopes in your backyard

Leveling out any slopes in your backyard before winter comes can help prevent wintertime flooding. At the very least, make sure that any slopes that point downward toward your house are leveled out to avoid foundational damage to your house or flooding in your home.

2. Plant a Rain Garden

Interestingly enough, including certain plants in your garden can help prevent your backyard from flooding in the wintertime.

Landscaping your yard with plants that are native to the area where you live is more likely to soak up the most water and thereby help you avoid backyard flooding during the winter.

Topping off your rain garden with at least a few inches of mulch can also help prevent soil erosion and wintertime flooding in your backyard because mulch absorbs water very well and also holds soil in place.

3. Get a Jetting Line

Clogged drains are understandably one of the most common sources of flooded backyards. Getting a jetting line installed in your backyard can help prevent clogged drains and flooding in your backyard.

If you have no idea what a jetting line is, you’re not alone. Hydro-jet lines are fairly uncommon, but getting a jetting line installed inside the drains in your backyard can significantly decrease flooding in your backyard during the winter.

Hydro-jet lines spray jets of water at very high pressures through the pipes that are attached to the drains in your backyard. These high-pressure water jets flow with enough force that they can very effectively clear the pipes in your backyard and prevent the drains in your yard from clogging throughout the winter.

Jetting lines are so powerful that the water jets they emit can cut through tree roots that have grown into your backyard pipes. Hydro-jet lines also effectively clear buildups of dirt, leaves, sludge, grease, and other debris that may have accumulated on the inside of your pipes over time.

If you are located in Southern California, give Accurate Leak Locators and Plumbing a call if you are interested in getting a jetting line installed in your backyard. Accurate Leak Locators and Plumbing is a fully licensed, insured, and bonded professional plumbing company that is based in Riverside County and offers diverse plumbing services throughout the Inland Empire, San Diego County, Orange County, and even parts of Los Angeles County and its surrounding areas.

The team at Accurate Leak Locators and Plumbing offers jetting line installation services that can help ensure proper drainage in your backyard through the winter. They have more than 30 years of experience in providing top-quality plumbing services to their valued customers and every team member at this professional plumbing company is equipped with the skills, tools, and experience necessary to perform jetting line services well with ease.

Give Accurate Leak Locators and Plumbing a call today if you are located in Southern California and are interested in jetting services to help you avoid dealing with a flooded backyard this upcoming winter.