Benefits to Lowering Water Heater Temperature

Benefits to Lowering Water Heater Temperature

Your water heater temperature may not be something you think about very often, but it is actually much more important than you may realize to keep your water heater set at the right temperature. Your water heater temperature refers to the temperature to which your...
Common Plumbing Issues in Fall 

Common Plumbing Issues in Fall 

(Updated) Different seasons come with different plumbing problems. For example, cracked pipes and subsequent water leaks are common plumbing problems in the winter due to the expansion of water inside frozen pipes. Water leaks and flooding from sprinkler systems are...
Reasons to Call an Emergency Plumber 

Reasons to Call an Emergency Plumber 

Emergency plumbers are professional plumbers who are available to provide plumbing services in the event of an emergency. These plumbers are generally available before and after hours—such as very late at night or very early in the morning—on weekends, and even on...